Home // New Rap Song and Music Video

Pride can be a delicate topic. As an invisible enemy, we all bear its burden. Some of us choose to wrestle with it - some don’t. It’s easy to pretend like it’s not even there.

The theme of Home is self-reflection. If we all chose to examine our shortcomings - with curiosity, without judgement - how much more could we grow?

The hard truth is that we are perfectly imperfect. We can choose to own our pride or ignore it. Let’s be forgiving of others - and of ourselves - even when it’s challenging. Reflect and course correct. Let’s do our best ‘til we’re home.

THANK YOU for supporting my passion.

If I can impact one person then I’ve done my job.

If you value my music, please forward this to someone you believe will enjoy it!


Perfect // New Song and Music Video


Fairy Tales // New Song and Music Video